The Official Site of Basil Gold, health advocate, author, and researcher

The Official Site of the World's Greatest Health Advocate
The Man Who Tells it Like it Is

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  Welcome to the page of Basil Gold, DNM, L.H.P.
Basil Gold and his Awareness Show
Basil Gold is a well-known television host who has been presenting his show "Awareness" for over 20 years. The show focuses on helping people make lifestyle changes to overcome chronic and degenerative diseases that affect one in three people today. His mission is to educate and empower individuals to take control of their health.

Basil Gold is also the author of a highly acclaimed book, "The Cure", which has gained popularity among those seeking natural solutions for chronic and degenerative diseases. This book provides valuable insights into the latest technological advancements in alternative medicine, allowing readers to make informed decisions about their health.

As an expert in water quality, toxins, and purification methods, Basil Gold's show offers authoritative information on the importance of clean drinking and bathing water for human health. His extensive knowledge on chronic and degenerative diseases has earned him recognition as a leading authority in this field.

Basil Gold is respected among his peers for his intrinsic understanding of proper health practices and his remarkable success in helping hundreds of people overcome various ailments through the use of high-energy foods and supplements. He is also known as the "Watchdog" of the alternative health industry, scrutinizing product efficacy and services to ensure their claims are truthful.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Basil Gold has received two prestigious Crystal Awards for his contributions to medical programming (2000) and information programming (1999/2000). In 2001-2002, he was elected into the national registers of Who's Who in America and Canada by the Library of Congress. He also holds a listing in "The South African Who's Who".

Basil Gold's TV show, "Awareness", has been broadcast over 8,000 times, making him a well-known figure in the alternative health industry. He is frequently requested for radio appearances across the nation, providing valuable insights and updates on new research and developments.

If you have had the privilege of consulting with Basil Gold, also known as "The Man who tells it like it is", you may attest that his expertise and dedication to helping people overcome chronic diseases have genuinely changed their lives. There is no other like Basil Gold.

Rave Testimonials

Dear Basil,
I am confident that our initiatives will help our nation meet the many environmental challenges we face. Together, we can ensure that the world we leave to future generations holds the same promise and opportunity as the one we inherited. My administration has expanded "Right To Know Programs" that require industry to provide public information about toxic releases.
Bill Clinton, The President
[An extract from one of five direct correspondences from The White House 1993 thru 1997.]

Dear Basil,
You are a Saint, truly a Pioneer and Prophet of Creation
I have enjoyed reading your book three times. I wish you to be given the strength and wisdom to continue to promote the health of humanity by concentrating on the environmntal issues and sciences of healing as you have been engaged for so many decades. I very much recommend this very interesting, unique book to all Doctors and those who are dealing with the health of communities, and anyone who is concerned for their health.
Dr. K. Taheri, Professor, BSC, DC, PhD, MD

I have watched a few of your TV Shows and that was a dam good show you had on TV today, I would like to speak to you about the supplements I take...
Nick Nolte, Actor
Note: After one and a half hours Basil was invited to Nicks Mansion in Malibu California to see his herb garden and a chat, subsequently Nick offered to come on Basil's show as a guest. Nick bought Basil's very first book issued to the public of which thousands were sold across the USA.

It's long been said that all the health problems in the world can be solved by substances of the world, if we could find a pioneer who had the knowledge and courage to discover those things and share it with people, such a man is our host, Basil Gold.
Dr. William Kellas, Author of "Thriving in a Toxic World--Surviving the Toxic Crisis"

Dear Mr. Gold,
It is heartwarming to see such a dedicated undertaking. I do agree, "AWARENESS" is the only approach to save our society from the on-going and perpetual variety of "stings" against trusting American people I wish you continued success in what you are doing.
F. Batmanghelidj, M.D, Author of "Your Bodies Many Cries for Water"

Basil, I have come on your show because I have heard a lot about you and because of your scientific knowledge and your understanding of water and because you have the passion to tell people the truth about alternatives.
Dr. Patrick Flannagan, Nobel Nominee, Scientist, Author

Basil, I share the same concerns that you do, disease is ravishing America and its shows like yours that are going to help change this in America. You deserve a lot of credit and you deserve our support.
Robert Barefoot, Author "Death by Diet - the Calcium Factor"

Great Show, great information, and great host!
Katie Striegel, The Hollywood Reporter

This half-hour show has been more informative than anything on water I've ever seen, Good for you Mr. Gold.
Professor Hamilton, UCLA

Well, Basil it's really a privilege to be on what is considered the top medical show on the circuit right now, you really must take to heart the things that Basil talks about.
Dr. Duane Townsend MD

It's a great pleasure to be on your show and to have the opportunity to speak to so many people via the media that you have presented, thank you Basil.
Dr. Rob Robertson, MD

I am absolutely overjoyed that someone with recognition and impact is doing shows like this.
Connie Maroshek, Reporter

Folks, I want to take a moment to tell you how important this television show is, the work that Basil is doing is pioneering, it's changing the consciousness of America and the whole world, it's vital work you're doing, thank you Basil.
Jon Baron, Editor in Chief, "The Baron Report"

Mr. Gold you are a clever man, I have many things to talk to you about, ten out of ten for your show.
Sorn Gittisarn, Medical Toxicologist, UCLA

You're on the right track, good information, keep up the good work, you're a very believable person, and you do know what you're talking about.
Dr. Marcus Loux, Los Angeles

Good Information, good show, Mr. Gold
Loraine Rosenthal, Founder Cancer Control Society

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